Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Create a Blog For More SEO Friendly

One of the ways that our blog is in the first page of Google is to make the blog more SEO friendly. Besides posting the content is a major factor in the blog first page of Google. SEO friendly blog that it is usually easier to compete in search. Because of Google's robot is easier to read and analyze the blog.

but there also are not SEO friendly blog can be in the first page of the search. Why is that? because the content of the blog is really unique and very interesting so google gave a plus. Maybe in the outcome there was a lot to discuss how to create a blog to make it more SEO friendly, but there is no harm in this time I will also share the same thing.

This tutorial is specifically for berflatform Blogger blog. Please observe that your blog may not SEO friendly. Who knows by listening and practicing the following review blog you could be in the front page of Google. Immediately wrote to the main topic of how to create a blog to make it more SEO friendly.

Create a Blog For More SEO Friendly

Previously I just want to remind you that the only super SEO friendly blog that would not even be able to compete in the Google search if the content is not unique and interesting posting at all. So this is just one of the important factors aide course that we can compete and blog search engines like.

First we edit the template of the blog. HTML code in the template that most blogs are usually considered a blogger that blogs more SEO friendly. There are some parts Tempalte we will edit them as follows:

1. meta Tag

Put meta tags in blog template so that Google bots crawl your blog easier.

2. Title Tag

Open edit template blog and find the code <title> <data:blog.pageTitle/> </ title> and replace it with the code below:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>

This function code that we post title there in front of the title of the blog, it is important to position in search, especially with heavy competition keywords.

3. heading Tags

We begin dressing Heading tags to the post, you find the code below and replace h2 to h3.

<b:if cond='data:post.title'>
<b:if cond=''>
<a expr:href=''><data:post.title/></a>
<b:if cond='data:post.url'>
<a expr:href='data:post.url'><data:post.title/></a>

Still with a heading tag for post title, you find the code below and change h3 to h2. Sometimes in some template code there will be an additional sentence itemprop = 'name' and use h1 tag, keep doing the same thing to replace be h2.

<h3 class='post-title entry-title'>

<h3 class='mobile-index-title entry-title'>

next edit heading tags for widgets, you find the code below and change h2 to h3. Actually not need changing what is not, but to make it more SEO friendly replaced only. If there are more than one replaced all.

<!-- only display title if it's non-empty -->
<b:if cond='data:title != &quot;&quot;'>
<h2 class='title'>

Heading tag is not so influential in my opinion, is important not to get more than one H1 tag because it will make Google robot confused.

4. Duplicate Content (Archive)

The last one we put in the code to avoid duplicate content from the blog archive. Please copy the code below and paste it in between <head> </ head> tag.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "archive"'>
<meta content='noindex' name='robots'/>
</ b: if>

There must be no duplicate content on the blog because it is very dangerous to the survival of your blog. In addition to decreasing rank, this can also cause the blog disappeared from Google search.

After editing the blog template now further customize the look and structure of our blog. What should be added on our blog? Here are the things that need to be added to make the blog more SEO friendly.

1. Analystic & Google Webmaster Tool

Google is the search engine most used on the internet. You could say 90% of our visitors come from Google's blog. Hence we have the same friends by placing Google Google Analystic on blogs and submit your blog to Webmaster Tools. For the tutorial please search in the search because I did not make it because it's easy.

Both of these free tools is important and a lot of functions, the most important to analyze our blog. From the analysis of the later we can further improve the quality and increase the number of blog visitors. It takes time to learn, a lot of tutorials on google.

2. Google+

It may not be much aware of the bloggers, if we install the Google+ badge or button will make the blog more SEO friendly. If you know Google+ is owned by Google so by posting this badge we get closer and friendly with Google.

The advantage of this is Google+ post that you share to Google+ will be indexed quickly Google, and if you are connecting Google+ with Blogger profile (the setting in the blog dashboard) and author photo appears in the Google search will give you a plus to blog more competitive . It also can increase our blog traffic organically.

3. Navigation Menu

Create a blog and set menu navigation as easy as possible for visitors. Because Google does not like the blog that the navigation menu troublesome visitors. Keep the main menu if you do not use a dropdown that uses Javascript but enough with CSS .

If you blog a lot of its news content, add menu navigation Blog Archive or Labels. Do not use the label cloud using Flash because it will make the blog added weight. Can also plug the breadcrumbs when posting on the blog very much.

4. Widget

To this widget just a matter of taste, but try not to install the widget that uses Flash. Widget is important to be installed include Popular Post widget and Related Post and Share Button to Social Media. The third widget simple but very useful to make the blog more SEO friendly and increase pageviews and backlinks.

Add widgets also from Feedburner email subcription to increase the number of visitors to the blog. Additional course you can also submit your blog to Alexa and install the widget on your blog, because Alexa Rank is an important factor for memoneytize blog than Page Rank.

The point before installing widgets thought first what needs to be installed or not. Do not install the widget just to memperkeren blog, there is no point in even make blog added weight.

So first of all I can share about the ways to create a blog to make it more SEO friendly. just remind dizzy just thinking about SEO but do not focus on making posts as interesting as possible for visitors instead of Google. Hopefully this post is useful for you all and do not forget to leave coment : D

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